日本原裝進口 4種香味一次滿足紓解疲勞,放鬆身心成分溫和嬰幼童也可以一同入浴 | ||||||||||||||||||||
售價:350 我要購買 | ||||||||||||||||||||
其他資料列表: 1.EMAL | Product Name | tw | Kao Chemicals chemical.kao.com/tw/products/productname/c040207.html 25 rows · Product Name Chemical Name: Appearance: Applications: EMAL 0: Sodium lauryl sulfate (High purity product) Powder: Foaming agent, Detergent, Dispersant for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, Emulsifier and Dispersant for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, Emulsifier for emulsion polymerization, Emulsifier for emulsion …
chemical.kao.com/tw/products/productname/c040108.html Product Name Appearance: Applications: CLEANTHROUGH 750HS: Liquid: Cleaner for cream solder of rosin or rosin base flux. Usage: PCB, general BGA, CPS, PGA www.kao.com.sg/ester4a.htm kao: Glycerol Fatty Acid Esters Our Products > Fats and Oil Derivatives > Fatty Esters > Glycerol Fatty Acid Esters. 1. Description and Specification. Product name ... www.kaochemicals-eu.com/road-additives Kao Corporation S.A. co-operates with the road industry, and has been one of the leading European companies in road surfactants chemicals for more than 50 years www.kaochemicals-eu.com/products/oleth-20-ceteth-20 Select the newsletter(s) to which you want to subscribe or unsubscribe. Kao Chemicals Europe . E-mail * | ||||||||||||||||||||
用途:紓解疲勞,放鬆身心。 使用方法:將一錠入浴劑放入150~200公升的水中,待溶解完畢後即可入浴。 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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